I am your name is

A poem written for the Equatorian Community Welfare Association, but dedicated to all the people of South Sudan.


I am your name is  

by Mark


I am Nation

World’s youngest nation

Take my hand, guide my heart

Set me safely on my path


To me you are everything

Only with you do I begin

Turn fonduk and nourish

Safe rokuba shelter me your wish


I cry when you scold

Lose my fear when you hold

Grow strong I will

And all your dreams for me fulfil


You are my mystery

Today you’re so near to me

We are one it does seem

Sad tomorrow it was just a dream


I love you, though of you I’m frighted

My faith we will be reunited

Too briefly our fingers entwined

I lost you before you were mine


I am Nation

World’s youngest nation

Not my sister, my daughter, my aunt, wife or niece

You are my mother, your name is Peace.